Mangos are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can help you stay healthy. Vitamin K, for example, aids in blood clotting and helps to avoid anemia.

Mangoes are also high in vitamin C, which is necessary for the formation of blood vessels and healthy collagen, as well as for healing.

Heart health

Mangos are also good for your heart and circulatory system. They’re high in magnesium and potassium, which are both linked to reduced blood pressure and a steady pulse. Mangos also contain a chemical known as mangiferin, which has been shown to help lower heart inflammation.

Digestive health

Mangos might help to keep your digestive system in check. They include both amylase chemicals and dietary fiber, which can aid in constipation prevention. Amylase molecules can aid in the digestion of other foods by breaking down tough carbohydrates. Meanwhile, mango fiber may be more beneficial than comparable fiber supplements in alleviating constipation.


Mangos are high in folate, an essential nutrient for healthy cell division and DNA replication. Physicians urge that persons who are planning to become pregnant ingest at least 400 micrograms of folate every day to avoid birth abnormalities.

Lower risk of cancer

Mangos are high in beta-carotene, a pigment that gives the fruit its yellow-orange color. One of the many antioxidants contained in mangos is beta-carotene. Mangos include antioxidants that have been demonstrated to fight free radicals, which can harm cells and contribute to cancer.

Nutrients per serving

A medium-sized mango has the following nutrients:

202 calories

3 g of protein

1 gram of fat

50 grams of carbohydrates

5 grams of fiber

45 grams of sugar